BernCo Water Conservation Incentive Programs

Bernalillo County OUTSIDE of Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA)

Visit BernCo's website for Water Conservation Incentives

Property owners in Bernalillo County who do not receive water service from the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) are eligible for water conservation incentives from the Bernalillo County Water Conservation Program. If you are an ABCWUA customer, you instead qualify for water conservation rebates through your utility. Find out more at

  • Customers must receive a water efficiency consultation that evaluates water use and opportunities for water conservation. During the consultation, staff will evaluate opportunities for indoor and outdoor water efficiency and provide the estimated water savings and installation requirements for water conservation incentives.
  • Customers can receive up to $800 in water conservation incentives each year.

Bernalillo County Water Conservation Program
(505) 224-2158
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Greyter Infographic