The dirty secret of water softeners and RO systems

They waste a LOT of water

The dirty secret of water softeners and RO systems: they use (waste) a lot of water.

The frequency of regeneration cycles and volume of backwash created depends on the hardness of the water, the amount of water used in the building, and the size of the water softener. The more efficient softeners will backwash based on usage. The less efficient ones operate on a timer so may backwash when not even necessary (yikes). Used properly, softeners regenerate one to three times per week and produce between 40 and 150 gallons of brine (aka water waste) per week. At best (once per week at 40 gallons), this is over 2,000 gallons per year!

RO systems discharge between 3-15 gallons of water per each gallon of drinking water produced. If you use 1 gallon of RO water per day, and discharge the typical 4 gallons per day, that's another 1,460 gallons of clean water down the drain per year.

So what can you do?

Here are water-saving alternatives:

  • HydroFLOWThis device prevents limescale buildup, keeping your pipes and water heating appliances clean inside, saving you money on repairs, cleaning, & heating costs. It also boosts filtration efficiency, saves energy, and a number of other benefits. 
  • For chlorinated water: Carbon filter for chlorine removal
  • For well and rainwater: Carbon filter for taste and odor  + Clairify for disinfection

Contact Cactus Rain to get your alternatives today! 

HydroFLOW Water Conditioner
The Water Softener Alternative